Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend wooha’s

So another eventful weekend has passed So back to the training tonight I have thought that with all the time I have to train (Very Little) That for now I will just do a hypertrophy specific session at least 4 times a week in the steel room. If I can do this until I am slightly fit I will also have been able to get my program into my tight time schedule.

The weekend was relatively exciting my friend came to visit on Saturday night and we chatted and had a few drink till about 4 or 5 in the morning and you know when you have kids there’s no rest so back up at 9. I can still feel the tiredness. But I will train tonight I am not saying I wont suffer but I definitely have to get training. So now let’s see what a little bit of alcohol does to your muscles and your body building dreams.

“Everyone knows that working out while under the influence of alcohol is
dangerous because of the likelihood of injury, but few athletes realize that
consuming alcohol after a workout, practice, or competition can cancel out any
physiological gains you might have received from such activities. Not only does
long-term alcohol use diminish protein synthesis resulting in a decrease in muscle
build-up, but even short-term alcohol use can impede muscle growth.
In order to build bigger and stronger muscles, your body needs sleeps to repair
itself after workouts. Because of alcohol’s effect on sleep, however, your body is
robbed of a precious chemical called “human growth hormone” or HGH. HGH is
part of the normal muscle-building and repair process and the body’s way of telling
itself your muscle needs to grow bigger and stronger. Alcohol, however, can
decrease the secretion of HGH by as much as 70 percent! Also, when alcohol is in
your body, the production of a substance in your liver is triggered that is directly
toxic to testosterone, a hormone essential to the development and recovery of your

So the Muscle tip for this week

Stay Away from the liquor

Until tomorrow we will speak again

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