Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Hello Iron peeps, I hope this post finds you all well? I have to admit that I have been rather busy lately! However i am not complaining I'm rather chuffed at all the busyness. Yet there is some serious niggles that I wish i could do away with like washing dishes and having to work late rise early. But with that said I wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't all going like a freight train on a down hill! I like it like that the faster the better. . .

So tonight I will share some of the closer to my own way thingies as I do get a lot of questions lately on how I managed to drop so much weigh and look the way I look! I must say I don't think its anything special as anyone can attain it with some though and some self control it has been rather easy. . .

I am not going to go too much into why and why not and what is best and what isn't best and why this or that . . .well at least not tonight (That schedule thing coming in to play now!)

So Lets look at diet if you don't mind and I promise I don't judge anyone for I have been very fat and I managed to do it quite a few times too this is probably the longest I've been skinny and I feel blessed to be here again. .So How do I do it well lets just say it hasn't been easy, but it actually is very simple my motto for most diet related questions is as follow take in less than you expend and you will lose weight stay away from what you know isn't good and you'll lose weight train hard and consistent and you'll lose weight yeah that simple! So with that said I have no idea how much calories I burn in a day I just sort of look at it in the mirror and I know when I'm over eating I got the just of that if you eat and feel uncomfortable afterwards you've overdone it quite a bit if your still awake and up for a walk or play session with your kids your about right!

You don't have to follow what I do and if we don't have the same body types training or so many other variables my plan will probably not work for you! but I have a few general no no's

- No alcohol, (Yes I don't drink at all, but if you have to drink, drink whiskey and water).
- No Sweets No chocolates no take out no gas drinks no flavored drinks nothing I do coffee and water!
- No Sugar, (I haven't had sugar in a very long time and I will keep it that way).

Thats my simplest explanation of then I do have a few musts, yes not just negatives some positives as well!

- If you miss a days training its ok but two days and your losing ground
- Cardio doesnt suck its just hard work that does pay off
- I dont allow myself to be misled i dont feel guilty about my full of nonsenseness its mine and I'll own it
- Water tastes awesome
- The better I look the better I feel the better I will perform the better Ill get and incrementally I will become what I envision for my body and physical health!

So what is my diet like its just as simple as my do's and dont's:
5:30 - Breakfast Half a bowl of Muesli, quarter bowl of Pronutro (porridge) and one serving whey
9:50 - Crumbed Hake
12;00- 2 x Crumbed Hake/haddock and veggies
14:45- Crumbed Hake
17:15- 2 x Crumbed Hake/haddock and veggies

And that's it I might throw in a whey shake later in the eve and then obviously I do the ZMA mix for training as well as pre-workout creatine and No Flush and also after workout creatine and mineral supplement I also do loads of omega's vitamin c's and all those goodies. .

On weekends I do allow myself to deviate from the diet as I eat some other meats and some carbs mostly pork and chicken and potato's or rice and as little a serving as possible! and that's me on my diet if it will work for you? I have no clue it seems to work for me but that's my body? so try it and stick to it and keep training as hard as possible. . .

So here is some pics with some remarks on what I feel still needs loads of work and more attention, Next post we will check into some training yeah !!

Excuse the photo my new space's lighting is rarely optimal and I am forced to do either impossible selfies or mirror shots and that is unfortunately the way the crumbed hake crumbles!

So the veins are slowly coming back as before with the dieting but need more size on that little fore arm right there!

Those super flabby obliques showing up at the side there total no go juck do more cardio!

Triceps are not on par of where they should be! come on now! some more work please. . .

I don't ever show my legs as they would just not make the phone crack they'll probably kill the whole post!

Well that's me if I suddenly disappear no worries the internet has loads of advise on anything and body shape. . .Trainin hard focus on your results and just keeping pushing as hard as possible!