Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend blues

Well hello so the week ended terribly again. I can almost say except for the rest that I hate the weekends you don’t get done what you wanted to you always end up fighting some simple fact what ever you know. I just hate the weekends. I trained well for 5 days and then the bloody weekend happened again. Well so now with a new week ahead I am going to make all my training sessions stick. I hate being small no matter what and the only way to get bigger is eat right and train hard the heavier the better. So also my back is back to normal no more training around it. No more bull no more nonsense if I have to start training at 10 or even twelve at night why not. I feel that this year is the year.

So with that now lets look at another constant that needs to be worked at everyday…
Mentality for size, yep you need to be mentally ready for what you want to accomplish and breath eat sleep and do bodybuilding. You need to train your mentality to such an extent that you feel like a training monster and feel yourself big you have to. When I gym I release a lot of anger but luckily for me I also build up a lot of anger I use it to my advantage to push myself harder in the training room. When I have done my training tonight I will give you a short post on the outcome and look out for some notes on getting mentally ready for each session.

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