Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another bad night

These days it seems as if nothing will go well, Last night I had to get a lift with my father in law, So We only got home from their house at about half past 11 at night so no training again. What I will try and do is swap day and night around and then just catch up in one day. In any case it is definitely better training in the morning as there is almost always something happening at night which you cannot predict but nothing goes wrong in the mornings you just always sleep. I do struggle waking up because of the smoking and late nights. But now I have had enough of this struggle I want to be big not well built or well defined or just a little bit strong I want to be massive and really strong. So tomorrow morning I will attempt again to do the 4 o clock wake up and then I am going to train to catch up. I am halfway towards my goals and in a couple of years so watch this space I will give you something better to read about tomorrow.

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