Monday, February 28, 2011

The Weekly Update: 28 Feb

So Iron peeps yes last week’s update for you, it started out terrible with still coughing and wheezing but I managed to pull off two training sessions On HST Only. I have also now included the X-reps techniques in my training on HST. And I have to admit IT WORKS LIKE you won’t believe.

I am pushing the bicycle at a very heavy level for 20 mins every week day and sweating like a proper pig then I do the HST (I have a few Basic Exercises I focus on.) and include the X-reps.

X-Reps is a basic motion where you do you basic Set and at the end of your set you do a partial rep for about 6-8 reps but you do the partial at the point where your muscle is at its most elongated point. You can read and get the book here: trust me the few times I have used it the Burn and after shock is amazing.

You have to try it. . .Keep pushing the iron and Check out for my weight table and measurements again soon Have a great day and train Hard but clever. . .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Training Times

Well My iron Friends I have taken last week off as I was very flu-ish, and still have somewhat of a cough but I am sure that I will be able to train again tonight I will not do the cardio as of yet but will do the general weights so long. . . Keep the faith and keep pushing the iron . . .I will try and upload some pics again soon.

Watch out for my Weekly update at the end of the week again . . .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weekly Update

Well Hello Guys what a week last week and A Weekend, Sorry the update is a bit delayed Last week went Awesome except that I have stopped the in-between training for now and focus on only doing HST which I am sure will get the same results. I did a road race again on Saturday and got another medal (This time we were just walking) and again I shot my foot. It is still in pain so I haven’t been training but start again tonight so I will do 4 sessions tonight up to Saturday. I promise. I will also post some pics if I can of the event and some more tips coming very soon. Have a great week ahead and see the growth happening.