Monday, January 5, 2009

So everything is back to normal again

So great the holiday is over and everything is going back to normal what a relieve. I haven’t done half as much as I planned and not nearly enough of what I wanted. I ate like a monster and drank like a rock star. Well if you did the same I have bad news for us now it is time for redemption. I need to get my ass trained and tone before the end of the year at least pick up an extra 10-15kgs of muscle mass and loose 30% of my body fat.

Fair enough I have lost 10kgs during the holiday with all the walking and doing some house renovations. I once met Mr. Francis Benfiatto which is very unlikely meeting a Pro Body builder in South Africa. He told gave some awesome advise which you can follow in everything you have to set goals short term long term and the end result and you have to build a plan which you can follow to reach your goals dreams what ever. A lot of guys go to the gym everyday trying to get huge but with no proper plan and short term goal and one month down the line they are not huge don’t see the small results get negative and stop training. It happened to me as well before. Stay Focused with your dreams and goals in mind and grow from there.

So without talking too much herewith find my goals

In the short term i.e. this year I want to accomplish the following:

- I want to bump up my diet and dietary intake , Better foods less junk
- I want to train every day not missing one session and training heavier weekly
- At least loose half of my stomach and start to see the muscles again
- I want to gain 15-20Kgs of muscle mass

In the long term plain and simple: obviously monstrous size and power

Now you see this is simple goals very simple and very do able, I will be happy if I reach them as I therefore know what I have achieved. If it goes better than that great then I can recheck my goals in two or three months and give you and myself a reality check and take a new direction to make sure that these goals are reached or improved

I also have more short term goals in the weight division but those I will go into later as they are per training for instance I bicep curl 25Kgs per arm and I want to go up to 30kgs a side within this month but that I will go through daily and I will give you my plan to get there.

For today here is my problem My chest has sunken back in during the holiday So I would definitely need to get it back up. What works best for my Chest is heavy and hard and continues. So I will add Bench-press to my everyday roster to take a part of these benefits and work it in a drop set manner every Monday.

Now find herewith my Monday training routine for this month I will as per my goals have to stick to this for this month at all cost.

Remember you only get out what you put in if you do a half ass job you will get half ass results.

What I do is

• Bench Press 3 sets with 10 reps 110Kg /220pounds
• Bench Press Drop sets starting at 120Kgs 240 Pounds working my way down until 80kg 160pounds doing 5 reps with each 5kg/10 pounds interval.
• Tri presses 18Kgs / 39.6pounds 5 sets of 15 reps

And then to finish off I do the basic Hercules training. Tomorrow I will go through my Benching goals and Triceps training goals.

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