Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blood sweat and tears is paying off

So people of the iron yes its a hard thing and its hard work but I must say the way i feel better and better after each session is ultimately probably the best thing currently in my life (My kids are No1) but apart from that. . .So every night I train and train and train man its good. . .So in the past i just wanted to get to a point where I was looking good and bulky but now I want to compete one day and make something of all this effort. . .So My first goal is as little flab as possible humanly six pack that are equal to the magic body builders and fitness people (I am dieting) then I want to gain some massive healthy weight and become who I want to be. . .

My goals are simple 120 kgs body weight with a mere 4-6% body fat attainable at my age and my out of shapeness definitely and so can all of you who enjoy this I engage myself pushing hard screaming at myself if I get tired or try and show signs of laziness build work and get results go through the pain go through the emotions defeat the defeat in yourself push and push and push some more . . .

I am now nearing 80% of my effective drive and power I am not going to update my effectiveness again as I believe I cannot reach 100% ever for I don't ever want to stop so harder and fitter from now on until I am at my goal and then my next goal will be heavier stronger more defined so I march on. . .

The diamond shape is slowly creeping out from under all that flab  . . .Lower chest needs to lift more and shoulders come on well it just means your going to have to work harder and harder again . . 

Wow I have never had a vein stand out on my arm Its the first signs of improvement and now I will hunt that improvement with reckless abandon . .

Yeah its hard work to flex those bi's especially after a hard few sets on them but its definitely getting more appealing no where close to what is the standard and far from what I want it to be but I will just have to push more and more . . .

Front Shoulders are showing little bit here mmm come on grow bro

Wow waist line you're in deep dudu those little hints of muscles starting to show at the top are going to be chased and chased and chased and you little body is gonna show that with pride in the very near future for I will slaughter every inch of metal I can find until I see you show me your fullness and hardness. . .

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