Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to the training

Well hello guys sorry for the delay in my posts. I have had some amazing PC Problems the last few weeks I have also struggling with my stomach. So again I am starting below it seems like one cannot win. But I will win and so can you get your attitude right be a monster when it comes to the steel.
So I started slowly again only outside Pushups and pull ups and tomorrow I will start full on session again and as time goes by, I will be bringing the guerilla training back into play as well. So keep checking up and let’s get big together. . .

Training tip for this post:

A key mistake that a lot of people seem to make when performing bicep exercises is they tend to sacrifice good form and lifting technique in order to lift more weight.
Bad form with any exercises for your bicep muscles will not target your muscles properly which can result in not only not being able get big biceps but it can lead to serious injury as well.
Bad form while doing exercises for your bicep muscles for the most part refers to swinging the weights, rounding your shoulders, using your back, etc. But it also refers to not using a full range of motion on the exercises for your bicep muscles.
When performing any exercises for your bicep muscles you must lower the weight until your arms are fully stretched before raising the weight up again.

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