Thursday, February 19, 2009

Extreme training is working and man I am feeling great

So I have been training in the mornings now and what a change I get done and have the whole day ahead not worrying when I can train and what will go wrong or whatever and you know what I prefer it like that. I have started to make a point of eating breakfast now every morning and I have more energy during the day as well. One thing that has been bothering me is the PUMP I am struggling to get a pump in some of my muscle groups i.e. Biceps, Triceps wrists etc so I have done some research and this morning I actually came up with an awesome solution what I did is I trained every muscle group before I start training the heavy weight with very lightweight and reps in range of 20 – 30 depending on the state of my heart.

But what this has actually done is pull all the blood into the muscle and when I pushed the heavy weight I was super pumped quite an amazing thing and the muscles felt like they were really working out this morning. Well watch out for my training routine soon

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