Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time for a little break in the game

Hello Iron friends and followers. . .Wow it has been an rather amazing time Training wise the last couple of months massive improvements and obviously loads more to be done, Tonight I couldn't train properly some life issues got in the way. . .My Elbow is really hurt as well and my back is again acting up. . .Wow I think a possible mini holiday would just be the right thing I can possibly prescribe at the moment. . .So I will be taking a few days off of training. . .(Wow I can't really imagine it but OK)

I will Take the Thursday off and commence training again Sunday Night that's like what three or four days for the back to just go back to its week self and the elbow which is really sore some time to recuperate as the weight loads are getting higher and higher again. . .Next week I have some severe training schemes to throw at the muscles and to see what happens. . .

Next week I am also cycling of of the ZMA and Inferno. . .Slightly worried about drive but will just continue as before and will just have to work hard at focusing the mental muscle to get it done. . .

I don't have any alternative solutions yet for the off cycle except still stringent diet and loads of effort in the weight classes lets see I might still shock myself as I still intend to increase the intensity. . .The past week has been lagging with some soreness and joint pain and some life issues to overcome but next week I shall be well rested and ready to bang the iron back into submission again. . .will update the new regime and methods behind the madness (hopefully include measurements as well) soon and weight wow I haven't been on a scale in ages. . .

Some of the last sessions pics. . .

So for a few days I say rest and rest well my iron helpers for I when I pick you all up again it will be with rested and ready little soldiers so take a few days and cool down next week we will honor each other again. . .

vascularity is definitely improved and improved now just some more fore arm width but in good time it will heed the irons call . . .

Bi's is a little flat I think the sessions has become to long and intensity to low so they are a bit under the weather. . .

Slowly but surely abs is still progressing just that lower layer of fat that needs to urgently be attended to as well as upper chest is drooping slightly

Chest tightness is great however a little flat at the top and needs more bulk when flexed all things to get working on as soon as possible. . . Until next week with more results and possibly a few more sick ideas on how to get the muscles listening quicker . .

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