Sunday, October 21, 2012

Still going Strong

Hello iron Friends well I haven't stop training Since the last post just been a bit insane on the time effort scale, I am again on a new and improved schedule (I know I chop and change loads) but I guess that's how it happens you feel what your body feels and adjust to what feels better harder pushing more and more. . .

So as promised the diet and nutrition I am on for those who are wondering, I would say there is some room for improvement as well. . .

Its still a touchy feel process, Well most important thing in the diet I do is No Sugars, No sweets no Fat off the edge of the meat yes, No drinks with gas no alcohol. . .I still have to drop the Nicotine which is a whole psycho program on its own. . .

So I do a basic meal plan (Which I can afford) will change soon as I get funding. . .

6:00   Breakfast (Weetbix - South African Porridge thing NO SUGAR) Multi Vitamin Caps and Vitamin C
9:00   Small bowl of oats (No Sugar)
12:00 Chicken pieces and a baked potato (Skinless)
15:00 Another Small bowl of oats
17:00 Pre Training (SSN Muscle Junkie Psycho Pre Workout 12mg, SSN Muscle Junkie Inferno- 1 cap,    
          SSN Anabolic Drive ZMA 2 Caps )
17:30 Training (SSN Crea Mass - On Completion)
19:00  Supper (what ever is available meat and some carbs and nice veggies)
22:00  SSN 100% Whey Protein with water (milk and ZMA dont mix)
24:00 Light Toast or Another Whey protein drink depending on my hunger)

I know the supplements I am using I only use 1 quarter of the subscribed values and yes the results are great as soon as I have a more stable income I will increase the Supplementation and healthy foods into the diet especially on the protein side (just whey)

So with that said vascularity have improved insanely well for me the results are amazing , I have to admit I do work hard whilst training only another week on the Fat Burners and ZMA boosters then I will cycle it off for a while probably if finance permits going on a 3 week Methoxy interleave and when that's done, I will be able to switch back to the Anobolic Drive of SSN for 20 days, and The SSN MJ Inferno and again after 20 Days Cycle off for three weeks with Methoxy. . .And lets see how that builds up (These goods are expensive).

So with that there is way more on the training front that has now changed I am back to doing 5 Sets per body part just feels more natural and I get the illusive pump a lot better with some HST based cardio when complete and the cardio days I don't cycle down the weight any more I start with 40kg's and finish with it for 6 Giant Sets and then do one cool down set after wards again one heavy session HST with small cardio and  the following day cardio for six sessions and then I take one day off. . .It seems to be working for me at this stage. . .

I will also have to join a gym again soon, after the news of my back I have been a bit bad and training the legs again just slightly lighter and more controlled than in the past but I can feel the back moaning. . .So have to be very aware. . .

So that's me for now I guess I will change things up again soon I work with what I have and what I can afford and it seems to be working out OK for now. . .I am working on putting in some effort into getting the supplements sorted more and increase the diet quality but all in good time. . .

Here are some of the latest pics. . .

Biceps Took a knock on me not being able to do proper curls and only preacher curls, but still the improvements is there and with more hard work I am sure the new 5 sets again will improve it faster. . .

Vascular Improvement and overall muscle shape improving but still a long way to go especially with the heavy, hardness and striations

Well the legs are working, Medial side coming up nicely but the rest still needs heavier harder work and weight all in good time as the finances improve 

Calves is showing basic results but will be blasted some more and more and more until the start showing the same results as the upper body

Chest is hardening very well and lifting even though I don't have a bench to complete with full range of motion but all in good time (I will work it harder) cant go heavier don't have a long enough bar to handle more weights currently doing 125 kgs

Abs are slowly still getting up and lifting I guess I am going to increase the abs workload soon and more Cardio as the lower section of the belly still doesn't want to go away although the fat density is a lot less but all in time there is way room for improvement and lots more to be done. . .All in time as most things are directly proportionate to income and having to get some more equipment in good time. . .

Keep at it and keep going heavier and faster for Cardio to get better results I believe that I can still improve intensity with another 40-60% if I can stop the nicotine and then increase by another 10% each week as I get fitter and fitter . . .

So Until Next time!

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