Monday, August 20, 2012

And so the training continues

So Week 5 Since I Started again after a very long and dismal on off (more off than on) break, and thanks to some cool Competition I now have some supplements to aid me (thanks to the and peeps awesome) So I'm set for two months (Will use it very sparingly lol) but OK So before the weekend I hurt my elbow left side and tonight after I completed the training I am having the same pains in the right side Maybe just a case of mind over matter maybe not sure yet. . .Yes the wight is coming up so starting to train heavier not even close to naming weights again but give time all will prevail, and I am now getting back into the habit of eating a bit more. . .and I've cut sugar considerably. . .still not that healthy yet but all in good time . . .for now I am just focusing on habitising the training if that makes sense lol.

So intensity I would have to say is currently running around 50% and overall back to where I was i think strength-wise I am at 30-35% and size mmmm 25-30 kilos to go and to reach the goal still a bit more . . .but I am just happy that I could have continued with HST training for almost 2 months now and I am still functioning (Only the elbow joints)

and I still need a bench and now I am going to build my own squat machine as well cause my legs are just suffering  . . .My Program is still the same as previously mentioned yet the weight has increased slightly and i MEAN slightly . . .

So some progress pics again. . .

yes small very small but in time it will improve I am now afraid to flex because that's how I hurt the left elbow so now I'm completely afraid of it 

Upper fore arm is showing some improvement

yes this hair cut does look loads better

mmmmmm another issue after training I shake so much that most of the pics have this blurry feel to them yet I doubt Ill be able to change that soon as I keep pushing harder and harder

mmmm Belly is terrible but the shoulders are looking rounder and growing slightly upwards

Muscle thickness is still lagging but definition is definitely improving . . 

So tomorrow the new increased eating is starting I hope and then some cardio that belly is now starting to work on my nerves still smoking but all in good time . .

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