Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well Hello There

Extreme body has turned into flab and suffering lungs, I went out with my wife over the weekend and one of my old time friends and overdid the alcohol a little and then smoked some cigarettes and stayed out in the cold. So my mind is fine but my poor body I can’t breather in deep enough to sustain oxygen to get from point a – b without yawning I don’t know if it is an infection or just sore lungs and then My ingrown toe nail is so sore I can’t walk. So I have decided that I am going to never drink again if I want to make a success of my training I can be boozing at all nor will smoke and for staying out in the cold you can’t always get around that but hopefully this will benefit me I am just waiting for lung capacity to clear before I start to train anything it should be apparent very soon if there is something wrong or just a lesson.

So for my tip of today I want to see how you get fit (Want to improve my lung Capacity) and now I have some of my own tips so What needs to happen I need to get my stamina Up best way to get that done is to train my abs hard and long so If I include as part of my cardio session 200 Sit ups that would greatly increase my Stamina then I will have to cycle bicycle and do the boxing bag because I am super unfit I will do it as follows 1 Day weights one day cardio ( Sit ups + bicycle 15mins + Bag 15mins) and then next weight day I will push the weight again I will do this until I have a solid 20 min cardio bicycle and boxing bag then I will start to include in my program and up My frequency in with the weight training lets see if it works

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