Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Diet Pics ~ Now for Super size me again!!

So with all the emotions and hardness of dieting so extremely I have decided that it is time for the annual stop yes the full stop!! I am done for this seasonal diet I have a few diet tablets left and some more fish to get rid off but as soon as possible I shall be pushing large quantities of meat and calories down my throat and push for that elicit 105 kilos this time yes its time to get heavy and strong again this light weight super diet training has been working on my nerves for long now so i decide back up same as last year guess its the same time as well and this year ill start in June with the diet to end in November where I ended tonight lol Ill do it slightly different as mentioned before not to gain so much flab so fast as last year I did it quite quickly but this time a tad slower so here is where i am at now 80Kg's size 30 waist 70 cm maybe less, biggest ever at this weight but really feeling the down of the dieting lethargic emotional and mostly suffering with some slight anger so its teddy bear time and as per usual I wont post much pics as you know my belly gets quite large but I have had enough this feather light feelings !!

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