Thursday, August 27, 2009

Killer Instinct programming

So after a little time off training a guy loses his instinct to train the force to push you farther and take more pain so I did a walk yesterday I guess about four to five Km’s well I jogged (My Chunky arse) for about three quarters of the way so I couldn’t get myself to train yesterday evening or this morning amazing what a little jog can do to your muscles bones brain everything but what I did last night was tap into that long lost love of not giving up I pushed and pushed and pushed some more and decided no ways of stopping until the goal is reached no to pull that over from walking home to working out with weights is easy tonight I have to get cracking again on the HST Cycle of my training and then tomorrow morning kick the 5 Day cycle section I will outline my current plan as soon as I have done it for two weeks consecutively.

Tuesday night I did train and I feel that pain as well today, Here is what I did I started with some Shrugs 50KG,s(100pounds) of water doing 8 reps for 8 sets however I think the 50Kgs(100pounds) is too light I should go heavier next week maybe doing 80Kgs(160pounds)

After that I did some push ups just to warm the shoulders obviously weightless as its only a warm up I use bricks to get more working out of the muscles I only did three sets of 12

And finally I moved to my new found love the pull ups again using 25Kgs(50Pounds) around my neck it hurts a little but shit its heavy now it will improve throw I did 4 sets of 4 reps with the weight and 4 sets without the weight. Which was also killer as my muscles was already dead.

So it was a nice little workout I plan to do a little HST in the evenings (Concentration Bicep Curls, Shoulder press, Lat Flies, Tri Presses, Sit Ups, Calve raises, Squats and pull ups) for little maintenance I don’t have that much weight in the house and then in the mornings I do a 5 day split. This week has been my testing week so I am still testing and getting into the right frame of mind next week I want it to run efficiently and swift and let’s see well keep checking in and see the progress.

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