Friday, April 17, 2015

Another week done and training going very well!

So yet another week has gone by and I must say I am getting better and better daily with this diet and training thing still skinny and small but toning ok'ish I guess. I will force myself to do an update once a week to see the progress and I will definitely give some tips if I come accross any! So this is this week! I as always have some side notes lol!

Biceps coming along slowly triceps needs loads of attention and shoulders starting to show some signs of muscle development well that is debateable

chest work is slowly picking up Middle still needs some serious oblique work there

I will add some more volume perhaps in the next year not now first wanna trim down as much as possible so wont worry to much about volume now

some tanning and cutting inevitable requirement

Again Obliques serious work required there

Lower back looks seriously in need of an ironing board will have to work on that midsection there

need tan!

Yeah lowe back need some more hard efficiency trimming will start more focussed cardio soon

Well thats me Keep pushing keep lifting make it great each session each day make the most of it 

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