Monday, July 8, 2013

Off season prematurity

So in my semi off season in which I am now eating almost double what i normally consume, yes its healthy I have to say that my planning somehow didn't quite work I am still losing weight and fat my abs are looking better and better and tighter and I continue to drop the frail baby fat everywhere so what the hell I am completely off of any fat burners now for two months and my body is burning the foods like a machine which is good except that i really wanted to gain a bit of flab at least I am still only doing 16 minutes cardio daily times 3 and the weights are coming up again after the injuries (not to mention the pains is still there) but yeah like Mr TC Fletcher so unceremoniously states its still my set (best motivation ever)

I did go through some pics just to make sure that I actually did increase my muscle size in the past year as I was feeling rather down by the fact that I felt smaller than ever the past week and the vascularity that seems to come only when I'm training but I feel good I went through a massive amount of pics and have admit yes I look my best ever Ok I have been much heavier (heaven only knows how much I ate back then as I am really struggling to break the 80-90kg barrier again (ive been 105kg before) but never this well shaped all round even though I feel small and insignificant the proof is in the pics and I'm sure if I start measuring again I will notice that I have actually packed on some decent volume. . . .

I cant increase my eating habits any more I am at budget limit so far . . .supplements are not cheap and I need loads of calcium and joint ease as it seems to keep the shoulder, neck and back at bay whilst im trying to turn into a monster. . .At least apart from being lazy generally (not whilst training) I am assured that my strength has also increased quite magically and I am almost where I planned to be without actually looking at the plan I will share in the near future . . .I have to buy weights again as that is also getting a mission now. . .running out of weight sucks especially of you look at what normal 20Kg discs cost. . . .

But I will prevail I have a few old tricks up my sleeve bricks and dustbins water cans bring it on summer is on its way so training outside will soon not be an issue any more . . .So with all this ranting and questioning I will continue on my general path as always I was thinking of switching to a 6 day split like I did way back in 05 but decided nah I was to flabby then and Although I dont weigh in at 105kg's I am twice if not three times as strong as I was then . . .So staying with HST Based madness for now. . .

So here is my winter progress so far. . .( I wanted to group the body parts but hell no I have to train shortly Pre-workout's about to kick in) So take it as it comes These are the pics I was supposed to post with my 6 monthly analysis

Abs are hard to pose when they are sore but yeah looking better lower part is also now working again after some back issues earlier in this past 6 months's cycle yeah nothing to write home about yet but soon

Fore arms are now working hard again got the home made monster in action again so soon they will be back be reminded that in the past six months I had more injuries than probably in the past 6 years. . .

Chest is getting up again now up to 50% of their capacity before they will start feeling the burn again but still weary of the (censored) rotator joints still not performing as it should be. . .

Back as always seems to be looking better and better and better shape is coming back lats dropped down a bit after again hurting the back with too much and new angular tri outs down about 40% percent for probably 4 months until the back is happy with me again ( I take the slow road to recovery now addays not just a week and back to 100% I feel what the joints tell me as that is my current biggest problem joints and bones)

Yeah chest not 100% there as I said but coming for a comeback soon (hurry I wanna bench properly again)

Front shoulder still a bit bigger than the rest but making a working effort of improving shoulder training distribution to avoid any further rotator issues as my other shoulder is also showing signs off giving in some days. . .

Biceps seems OK here but man they can look small some days will include a pic where they just look so puney more weight more training come on!!

Center back coulomb coming out as I am deadlifting again (yes my back is very dangerous training ground but I am building an overall package not just arms. . . 

this fore arm is looking better and its the one less used nudge nudge wink wink just kidding

triceps is amazingly coming out even though they feel like pulling my elbows apart and I am down 30% on their workload as well

Yeah now the tricep wants to show off definitely coming out but not there yet and just in time as I go for my pure month next month. . .

See from this side it looks just terrible I want peaks and growth and I will get it even if I have to walk on those bi's they better watch out

Legs well what can I say its hard to do legs at home My upper arm seems bigger than my legs but at least they are showing some shape of sorts and starting to show some definition also something that has been taking for ever. . .

Ok sorry its disgustingly hairy and unfortunately I wont shave them until they deserve it ie shape volume striations what else. . .

Side obliques yes they are terrible and they are getting worked not sure how well though from this pic

and then a happy bi to say buy so now on to another 6 months. . .

So all in all I must say I think the progress is there some muscles are up some are down but the general feel  get is they are all looking better definition is slowly coming out a little to slow for me but hell I am trying I am running on 65% intensity currently after a few weird stomach malfunctions and struggling to completely adjust to the bellies massive desire to consume food and burn it off. . .

So thats it a almost propper 6 monthly report I will do measurements in the next post and weights pushed so I can see in 6 months again if much has changed I am aware that on some exercises I am getting to some plateus but will crush them with desire I am sure so enjoy this bumper post and take it as it comes train hard train smart dont quit dont give up and keep it up. . . .

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