Friday, November 25, 2011

So where where we

Hi Iron peeps sorry for the delay in posting it has been quite a bit of a year further. To start off with I have had some tough times and are now only on the road to recovery from my own ailments. I will go into more details in a future post but just to keep you updated I am still alive and kicking, and yes still training. 

I have gone on a massive diet and lost very good weight whilst building some good muscle and then the S@&* hit the fan and I gave up on dieting. So I have slowly regained my mental consciousness and am on the same path again.  I will hopefully be able to post some pics up again soon I must warn you though I have lost quite a bit of weight. So today I am posting this to let you know what days are currently looking like:

I am still training HST on a 2 day split, meaning I try my best to train for 6 days where 3 are for upper body and 3 are for lower body doing 5 exercises per session. Then on the weekend I do some labour intensive jobs to get things going. .and man the improvement is magical.

I hurt my elbow this past week so I only trained on Monday and will commence again tonight and if all goes well will hopefully have some pics or videos to post. 

So The little elbow injury (WARNING) actually comes from sleeping on my arm each night I sleep on my arm and wake up halfway through the night with a dead arm this specific night it actually didn't went well and I slept the elbow pushing the joints skew and then I trained it whilst it was sore it was really not a good idea.
The next day I just rolled around some bandages to keep it warm and loads of Muscle Cream and that did the trick. . .So My Tip for today don't sleep on your arms it can cause serious issues. . .

Check in again Soon to see more updates and let me share some more of my training ideas, my current diet and more . . .Keep pushing the iron all the way till the end.

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