Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Easy does it

So what’s up my iron freaks and friends I am sorry for not posting for a while but the new year had me by a little surprise so I struggle to get up early and I struggle to fall asleep due to some holiday activities still merged in my mind. Well like I said last time I am on a new training cycle again which is working me very hard. Let me tell you what the purpose is then you might understand the method to my madness.

HST I use HST purely for the time it takes and the muscle tightening factors (read about HST) It really does work but also strains your systems slightly, but if I can continue a HST Cycle for two months consecutively I lose a lot of fat and gain a lot of hardness and quite a bit of size as well. If you do it well you will get some power increase as well. So I have decided to do 3 non consecutive days of HST ie Monday Wednesday and Friday for instance and it only takes me a whole 20mins to run through a whole session.

Now as extra I am going to make it slower now as I am implementing a new 100% up concentration and 100% down concentration on each rep in layman’s terms slowly up and slowly down. Then I am also adding another feature to each rep called the X-rep doing an extra flex at the point of fullest contraction like a mini rep in between each rep.

Then in those off days the three left except Sunday I am going to start a power lifting cycle 5X5 what this entails is the same new rep features but here I will do 5 reps for 5 sets per muscle group. and going not hard but extra heavy.

Now ask me what for (What for?) OK the HST I will not push the weight that much anymore but still keep it not too far from the 5X5 but HST For conditioning and aging in the muscle and obviously Fat Loss ( I have quite a lot) and the 5X5 for power and thickness for the ultimate goal of having a big ripped body. That’s all. Then in the last little day off I need to do some extra long stretching and cardio cycle (Bicycle).

Now you are thinking what most people are thinking isn’t that overtraining NO ITS NOT the HST cycle at a reduced intensity is like body conditioning or working. My body has started and will have to after the holiday start to recognize it as plain daily activity like work My ass doesn’t get sore from sitting at work the whole day as it has accustomed itself to that working module, a barman can stand the whole night no issues as his body is conditioned for it.

So let me know what you think and if you like it try it if you want links join me on any one of my many social networks and I will happily share any information I have on whatever you require

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