Saturday, June 14, 2014

Shredding Times

Hello long lost iron friends well I haven't posted in ages mostly due to quite an overwhelming schedule but never fear I am still going strong.

I have had some more scares the past month or so Shoulder is still as for the past year not 100 percent but I don't feel it that much any more (Still not benching well) but I have been training full steam ahead whilst gaining some massive fat.

I had a big hernia scare but it seems to have gone away for now so no operation in the future for me (feeling rather relieved) however I have an ever growing left elbow or fore arm issue that just seems to be niggling at the moment but keeping it in check it is a bit of a worry as it affects quite a few exercises.

So to get back on track, I am done with a good bulking session I picked up a bit of flab ok a lot of flab and failure to cardio has also added to the madness. I am now going back down to loose the flab for our wonderful summer holiday (December) hoping to see some ab action soon. The training intensity s busy getting back to normal after the quick stop from high carbs to lower carbs it makes one pretty weak and tired but my body is busy getting used to it and the intensity is quickly gaining ground. . .I don't have much pictures to share as I am still quite flabby and bloated for now but I will post as much pics as the cold weather permits to showcase the progress from 95 Kgs (209 pounds) downward to whatever looks goods.

I am still doing a 2 Day split x 3 with a cardio session every day. . .And for now on and off rest days as the body desires but no more than two and this will disappear as the intensity starts climbing more and more and my fitness increase again. . .

Well here are some pics nothing much really just bloated and flabby muscles. . .

As you can see there is some size difference but the definition is completely gone so now to get the definition back and make the muscles show more. . .This time i am however not cutting as quick as before perhaps 5 or 6 months till betterment, I will see how it goes after month two.

Unfortunately I dont have much other pics to share but will take some now every time i train for a proper analyses during the coming months. . .

Keep training strong, By Grace and power from above, keep healthy don't take chances and make your day come closer each day!

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