Sunday, September 2, 2012

Yet another great session

So Another great session completed this time it was the legs turn to be burnt a bit they are still slightly wobbly and will hopefully allow me some movement tomorrow lets hope and see still training them rather light but will get equipment as soon as possible for at least . . .So getting ready for tomorrow big day hard work, hard training and more work Trying to fill my life as to not get distracted from my true goals. . .

Until tomorrow people

Yeah cardio is a definitely the best slow killer for body fat\, working that fell cells until they decide they don't wanna stay any more is the only way I look at it

Calves look terrible no shape yet low on size and now tightness but working on it trust me

Upper leg is showing some minimal definition, I think I'm going to build some leg machines first and make sure these legs gets some proper training in

cant say much for the belly except that all in good time i will keep posting it until it is gone as it is disgusting really if I have to guess its probably like 3-4 cm's of fat around that waist that still needs to be incinerated and fast I cannot handle the fat mission sweat and fitness every day until it disperses.

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