Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another great session . . .

so hello iron friends sorry for not posting in a while I worked an all nighter the night before last and possibly tonight again However I have been training the new cycle where I do 5 Sets dropping the weight every set slightly I get an amazing Muscle pump in most muscles and my body is definitely crying . . .I am still not training the heavy weight muscles due to the back and neck still being a little fragile but I do train around them for now . .

I will give a big breakdown again of how I do let me first just see how this session or Cycle change is affecting growth and fat burning. . .I am definitely going to start a secondary Cardio session very soon as the fat isn't quite disappearing as soon as I wish and it must obey soon , . .

Sorry for the very little pics tonight I was not quite in the mood for pictures and the cardio hit the spot tonight . . .

Yes they are coming along as soon as there is more fat loss and the Bi's peak up a bit more it will be good . . 

This is actually a picture of the night before's legs training and the calve's as seen here is actually starting to define (Something I have been struggling with for quite some time) as all things it seems that perseverance is the answer to all questions . . .

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