Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yes it hurts . . .So back a week No problem

So its been an up and down week with some emotions not functioning and my drive not functioning at all levels but the training went well until tonight as Soon as I started with my Biceps My left elbow just stopped working and its very painful will seek intelligent advice tomorrow if it still hurts but training will only resume on Friday or Saturday at this rate its painfullllllll . . .

This was a quick pre-training Snap Took just to look if there is some definition whilst not being trained and it looks like there is some improvement

Wow loads of work to be done here 

An Snap Agony in action The bandage keeps its warm and some anti inflammatory meds try and stabilize the hurt not sure what happened but the elbow is not functioning properly will give it a few days to relax and then try it again. . .

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