Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Training is going well according to plan

Hi peeps well sorry for not posting over the weekend it was hectic, my boys visited and had some ailments which was sorted it was just very buy but the training still continued. . . So I am still no way close to saying with how much weight I train (Sue me I'm shy) but its going well I have started now after doing massive amounts of reps the past few weeks I do three exercises per body part and the whole body every day or at least ending at 4 session minimum a week. I either increase the reps per session or the weight every day pushing harder So last week I finished on doing 20 reps for most exercises and hence upped the weight. .

Now I'm back to doing twelve reps and will once again keep on pushing up to twenty reps and then up the weight again. . .and I must say that the results on the eye are really good and I feel great so it must be working I don't trust a scale at all but do check every now and then Im weighing in a poor 85kg's which will improve will with time but no fat this time. . .

I stick with the following basic exercises: (Just increasing the intensity and reps until I reach 20 then I increase the weight until I can only do 10 reps and work my way up to 20 again and then start again increase the weight etc actually very simple but it gets really tough now and then I will soon also start to implement a cardio session as well. . .

Bench Press
Chest Flyes

Shruggs Heavy
Shruggs Concentrated
Chin Ups

Shoulder press
Front Raises
Pull Ups

Preacher Curls
Barbell Curls
Bi-Pull ups

Triceps Extensions
Frontal Tri Presses
Reverse Tri presses

Fore Arms
Reverse Grip Curls
Wrist Curls
Hammer twists

Lat Flyes x 2
Pull Ups

Dead Lifts

Squat X 3

Calve raises x 3

Chrunchies x 3
Knee Raises

The Fore Arms are really putting out working hard every session its starting to show a little shape still not close to where I wish it to be but getting there

Oh Well This is a blur I think here the orange washing bin goes well with the colour of the door what ever

Slightly Tired here so flexing was an issue after last nights session but the definition is definitely showing

Right arm looks smaller than left here but its not I think its just slightly more tired but showing the beginning of some definition

 the shoulders is slowly starting to show themselves as soon as i get to the heavy weights again I think they will really start to show their muscle all in time I'm almost out of weight increases and will have to start making some plans soon but all in good time for the moment things are still all in tact . . .

and I still need a bench to get things going and I dream of a leg press and extension machine but all in the future

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