Yes it takes alot out of a chubby 30 year old to cycle
My Bench is probably my Strongest Excersise I am now training with 125Kg's (+/- 250 pounds) and my goal is 150Kgs (300 pounds) Soon and total goal 400Kgs (+/-800 pounds)
Shruggs is my lazy exersize as I can go heavier
No gym = No Cool exercises so I do Extentions with 16Kgs (32 pounds) I will increase heavily soon as i can see they are slacking
After my last injury in the neck I train shoulders half lighter but very focussed I will also start doing the chins and rest soon to suplement the lightweight
I alternate my biceps between concentration curls and Barbell curls monday is my concentration set I use 25Kgs (+/-50 pounds) [halfway there]
Some posing while all the muscles is a bit pumped but Im to tired to get the old bicep up properly
Mmmm Whats going on behind the curtains . . .
Then some Fats Belly Abwork I wont say anything my abs has gone from OK to complete 3-5mm fat layer around Im trying to get back into some of my old pants . . .
and done Elegantly crushed
So check in again soon I will post some pictures weekly just to track my progress and see what the camera says as visual reference of my improvement Have a great evening peeps and keep pushing the iron. . . .
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