Friday, September 27, 2013

Never let the scale depict your results

So as you probably know the past month I have been dieting very hard eating loads of calories and then more important loads of protein to try and pack on some lean mass which has always been a bit hard for me and this morning (I normally stay clear of the mighty scale) weighed myself out of interest and what a depressing day after all the dieting I have not gained much probably like 1 kilo or something sad like that and I have training hard and very consistent this month so with that I was a bit depressed and out of focus so upon arrival back at home I saw a iron warrior in public and that sparked new found enthusiasm to continue to pursue the bars and chains as soon as possible and let go of any inhibitions. So I went to plan B the measuring tape mmmm I have gained 2 cm's around the bi's and tri's area so the scale is free to go to a good home (Dustbin) no more scale checking in the next three months lol. . .

Training is going very well however hard it gets (some sessions are very hard. . ) I will share my minute measurements in the next post I promise however I do warn that it is not what it must be or what it is intended to be but work in progress but I will increase the protein and carbs a little (its hard to eat so much especially on non training days . . .

I promise to also share my diet and my diet calculations in the next few posts. . .but all in all I have to say I am feeling better and better shoulder still not functioning 100 percent but training around it (Its almost been a year now) I guess it will never come right but that's OK I still get it to work out hard and heavy. . .neck is completely healed and pushing the heavy weights again (running out of weight on the shrug's again)

So fore some pic updates here we go. . .

Biceps not quite where they are supposed to be but in good time I am sure they will start showing up again lost a lot of vascularity but trying to bulk it was not that I didn't expect it to happen

Abs are suffering every session but with the high calorie diet they are hiding under a little layer of disgusting flab but all part of the plan for now (not much flab expected but some)

tri's are broadening quite well but upper head needs some intense work will soon become a big focus area as the budget permits the purchase of more suitable machines

All in all I am not quite happy with the results so far but that's what its for analyze increase weight refocus efforts and try some more and more I guess that is something to be applied to everything I just find it easiest behind the bars and plates lets see how the diet goes month two (This diet seems to working quite well for now tho) Until the next post with summer coming some more pics and if time permits I will build some more muscle manipulating devices to try and gain some more leg size (Achilles heal at this time) Well that's me for this weird update until the next one keep pushing on keep training hard "Stay Away from cross fit" and keep pushing but as I learned try and listen to your body water up keep healthy and try to keep safe !

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