Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting through it working on it getting there. . .

Hello iron peeps its been a tough month, I have gained some strength, yet I still struggle with the belly . . .but hey this mind game the body keeps playing with me was tough the last month but I am winning, I am getting to a stage where I am ready to split the general HST and Cardio completely as the session are getting a bit to long now, and I will see how it pans out (I am still not a morning person) but getting there soon very soon. . .I have upped all the weight on all my exercises with 5-10 kilos (+/- 10 - 20 pounds) except for bench I upped with 20 kilo's (44 Pounds) its still a bot tough and the mind still needs to get round it but quickly going for the elicit 200kg (440 pounds) press very soon hopefully by April I will have some (much more) to showcase. . .still a few niggles in the body Ie wrists is suffering slightly back is not an issue that much and still some lat dead-ness now and then but it seems to be coming together. . .

So for January I will do the HST at night as always and I will try and include a hardcore Cardio session every morning as I work towards managing the time issues better. . .The current heat wave we are experiencing is great for burning off some more calories as I have upped my dietary intake slightly. .

but yeah things are looking (I am chasing the big ones in the next three years so lets see if My plan will come together) I am working hard at it. .

I will do a training update again tomorrow and hopefully get a measuring tape soon so I can actually see what the deference is month to month and a scale will do well as well the mirror is good one day and bad another some days the pics look flat and small and other days it looks promising  . . so time to get seriously measurement and volume focused  . .2013 is the year of some big goals I wish to add an extra 20 kilos around my bones and healthy 20 kilos so lets see. . .

So the pics came out ok I guess like I said some days I feel more improved and other days I just feel flat and skinny. . . except for the belly fat - some vids also coming soon (have to write some scripts firsts lol)

A little flat still a long way to go (I guess my upper arm should be as big as my head) the split between bi's and tri's is developing but needs some more thickness and loads more height. . .

Vascularity feels down a bit but again maybe its just me. . .the fore arms needs loads more volume. . .

Chest is finally slowly starting to lift and the sides are spreading better. . .Abs needs massive cardio sessions hence the new cardio morning, HST night split. . 

For some one that is right handed it sucks to think that for me the left arm looks better developed (guess the right side is stronger just a bit lazier. .)

Well I am not sure if this is the last post for this year but if so may you all have a massive new year and may this year be the year you find the right groove break through all your plateaus and gain some serious power and size have a good one but most important have a safe one. . .

Monday, December 17, 2012

Update for the holiday. . .

hello iron peeps well I just finished my first full cardio session after not doing proper full cardio sets for a while now, and yes it is good i am slightly flat and the heart feels a little frail but all good. . .I think that the coming months will yield some massive results if this can be continued so for the next week I have a few massive sessions coming up and some big things happening. . .The diet is gonna take a two day knock over Christmas I am sure but I will do what I can to keep it in check I feel engaged again after having a tough dysfunctional day today. . But it all came together with a good training session and tomorrow back with full force!

Just a quick review of the cardio I do a super set like HST Based cardio mission where I do my whole body 5 sets I Do:

bench press 40kg's - 20 reps, tri Presses 40kg's 20 reps, Shruggs 40kg's 20 reps, shoulder press 40kg's 20 reps bicep curls 40kg's 20 reps, wrist curls 40kg's 20 reps, squat 40kg's 20 reps, calve raises 40kg's 20 reps, chrunchies 10 reps, knee raises 20 reps,

then I up the reps to 30 and decrease the weight to 35kg's, same  super set as above, then again 30 reps with 30 kg's, then I do 40 reps with 20kg's and again 40 reps with 10 kg's the weight is light but I try and sweat as much as possible and man does this push the heart rate up . . . well until tomorrow massive heavy set up again. . .have a magical metal pushing week ahead and enjoy. .

very flat after the session trained so well I even feel a bit flat and bloated after all the water but lets see as the month goes back to hardcore diet again. . .and then some more heavy weights!

6 Months gone Lets review

Hello Iron peeps So in the past I wasn't always as serious as I should have been but the past six months I have been rather focused so I looked through some pics and (I will do more for the next six months) but I had two almost similar poses with six months difference and there is some difference (not enough will train harder) but here we go Next week I will post some pics that I would like to review again in six months but for now I only have this one. . .

So next week I will do a little photo session mission and then reflect back on it in June 2013 and see what if things are still on good track. . .I am sure the next six months will have much better results than the past six months As I must admit I feel much better stronger and definitely the muscles are harder more vascular and shows a lot more. . . .

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Training continues with great progress. . .

So after a different week filled with new challenges, yet very enjoyable it was time to get back to training tonight. . .And I have to admit it was a great training session the rest did me very well (I took 2 Days off) however I wont be doing that again soon. . .Even though the muscles shows more power after some rest the joints suffer more and there is a little loss of tightness. . .I found some new essential mind motivation over the weekend just to kick everything back into gear again. .

check it out here:

I have to admit the hardest part is keeping the diet in check (Especially over this time) and then keeping the head straight . .but with some focus and thought it will all be maintained so just an update of the schedule I am doing the HST for 4 sets now and still only cardio 1 set per body part. . .To increase very soon as I have picked up a bit of flab around the midsection (It is definitely the Peanut butter Sandwiches) so I will be going over to toast shortly. . .

No major changes for this week ahead planned as of yet the bench I have upped the weight to 130kg's (286 pounds) and if all goes well be on 150-160 by mid 2013 lets see what happens then I also upped the lat training slightly and that is about it. . .I will do a full weight report in the coming week and a measuring session to track the progress properly. . .

So with all that I hope each and everyone massive iron success for the coming week and may the festive season not destroy any one's goals dreams or wishes. . .

Some of the training pics from tonight's session:

Back is developing ok driving some weight and more sets soon lower back is never gonna be much due to the little issue I have with the bones there but that's OK for now (Excuse the blur the photographer is only 7) biceps needs loads of work but they are feeling it again and tri's will happen soon. . .

Yes Ok Chest needs to come up more but it got troubled tonight 130 for me is new and heavy. . .Bi's need more width and definitely more peak my focus for the next month to get them pumping well again. . 

So Ok Iron peeps may you have a great night until the next session and some more info coming up in the week - new supps and more. . .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So a little update!

Hello friends of the iron, fans of steel and followers of great bodies (not mine, the pro's man). So I hope you are all gearing up for a great holiday season, I am still gearing up for it . . .Massive session planned for news years eve (go into the year with what you want to have in your year . . .

So for the holiday season as I posted my updated program not too long ago I had to revisit my intentions today due to the immense mental strain I place on myself and not having any form of slowing down I had to decide to make a little tweak. . .I have stopped losing weight (dietary increase) and muscle stiffness returned tonight for the first time in quite a while. . .I have figured that perhaps I should re-instigate the higher cardio. This is slightly problematic as my training sessions already last between 1 hour 30 minutes to more. .

So I will up the sets a bit doing 4 sets per exercise as per my last training regime and whilst not doing the 6 in a row one day off but rather 2 heavy sessions (2 days) and then the 3rd day only cardio work then again 2 heavy sessions, and one cardio day and then again so forth. .

So this essentially means that I my week will work as follows Monday and Tuesday heavy training and Wednesday cardio, then again Thursday and Friday Heavy training and Saturday Cardio. .and if possible Sunday off completely. . .it still translates to 12 sets per body part of heavy training and 10 sets cardio per body part so I will see how this impacts the body as the flab is just not doing it for me. . .again the diet is staying (ok perhaps I will leave the addictive peanut butter sammies) but the rest will stay. .and then lets see what happens. . .

I took tonight off as I had to deal with some intentional emotional attack and some headache but will be back in full swing tomorrow night. . .whatch this space. . .watch out Mr O, I might be gaining slow but when I get to the heavier side I will be coming for you. . .At least that's what I keep telling myself. . .

So here are some non training nor pumped pics of the past week. . .

Not Quite horse shoe shape but the rift is coming along swiftly, I will definitely start working those tri's during the coming weeks. . .

Yeah Mmmmm Still needs some more weight I did a good session last night (I can still feel the burn) so will dome a measuring excersize soon and then well be ready to give proper feedback. . .and if the monies prevail I will cover the Pentagram on my arm . . .

The BB Camera really distorts the pics my hands are much smaller 

Vascular development has slowed down slightly. . .but with the new 4 sets it should get back on track and if not I'll just go back to 5 sets. . .

So the last session I did I finally went for heavy leg work again and wow what a frail walking day. . Shape should come soon. . .

Well Iron freaks I hope to be able to post again soon and lets get the muscles working again. . .May you have a great week ahead and keep pushing hard. . .

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Serious matter ahead !

Well Iron Peeps and friends in fitness and health . .so it is the time of the year that we are to reflect on the past year and what have been done . . I think I gave the last part of the year a big knock with still a few weeks left to go. . So Its time to get super serious for the next year so as in mind my body must follow so I have devised a new little plan for the next few weeks . . .Lets see how this one pans out. . .

Until next week I will report on the pro's cons of my new plan mmmmm. . .

I basically have two session which will alternate in following days so I will do the above cycle for 6 days and 2 days rest . .

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Quick Update for a few friends

Hello iron peeps so I get asked alot why I dont eat sweets , dont drink alcohol and how I train etc. . .I am but merely a beginner only being training seriously for the past 7 or 8 years on and off its only been in the last year that I got my act together and stuck to a plan.

But here goes. . .Again as you should know by now i work on the principles of HST train every muscle of the body every day for about five or six days and then take a day rest or two. . .

So my training are currently as follows (I change it rather often) but this is the current sessions I'm on

Bench Press (275 pounds/125Kg's 3 sets 15,12,8)
Shruggs (275 Pounds/125Kgs 3 sets 15,10,15)
Seated military press (132 Pounds/60kgs 3 sets 10,8,8)
Bicep curls (110 Pounds/50kgs 3 sets 10, 8, 8)
Tricep Overhead Skull Crushers (88 Pounds/40kgs 3 sets 15,12,10)
Wrist Curls (88 Pounds/40kgs 3 sets 20,20,20)
Lat Flyes (132 Pounds/60kgs per side 3 sets 8,8,8)
squat front (253 Pounds/115kgs 3 sets 10,10,10)
Calve Raizes (235 Pounds/115Kgs 3 sets 10, 10, 10)
Chrunchies (No weight but emphasis on contraction 4 sets 10, 10, 10 ,10)

The right after my weight session I do a cardio session all the above excercises 1 set 40 reps each with 10kgs (22pounds) I will however up cardio again in the new year. . .

My Training lasts between 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes depending on how much breaks I take inbetween I try and not rest for more than 30 seconds in between sets. .

so that is my training regime my diet is just as basic and are as follows. . .

4am - 2 Weetbix biscuits and half a bowl of raw oats, Joint Support Caps, Multi Vitamin, Vitamin C and a CLA capsule

9 am - Whey Protein Shake in water
12am- Two Chicken pieces and a baked potato + CLA Cap
3pm- Whey protein shake
5pm - Four slices of brown bread with thick peanut butter on
6:30pm - Pre training N.O. Creatine Loader + Either M-Stak or ZMA
8pm - Creatine post work out and Supper of the day generally meat with salad
10pm - What ever is available apples or Bread or whey protein. .and a CLA Cap

Then I try and get into bed before 11pm to get up at 4 again. . .

So far this has been good for me so far but I will improve it as the monies get more and better. . .So I hope that gives you some insight on what I do for I am currently physically. . .

I am going to see if I cant go on a bit of a bulking session and will update the diet accordingly but its all depended on income generated for now. . .

So here is the pics of the last few training session . . .

Bicep's still need some peak work (OK Loads of peak work - Concentration curls) but for next week when the training gets updated again. . .

Tri's are getting better not a very flattering pic here but OK

Abs picked a bit of flab again as I have increase the volumes of foods consumed but lets see what happens in the next three months. . .

Shoulders has been down a bit with neck injuries but getting there in time. . .

So thats me in a nutshell for now take what makes sense for you and try it I have to admit the factor I think that contributes most to my body getting better is the persistant training I train 6 days a week with one day off. . .

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Another niggle-some injury

Hello Peeps of training well after a massive training week last week by Wednesday I twisted the spinal muscle underneath the traps, I took a few days off and then re-engaged the training on Saturday night and in being careful I hurt the vertebrae under the muscle to such an extent that I am seriously considering torture tools . . .(just kidding) but the fact remains I have to get a bench my back flat on the floor forces the lower neck vertebrae to undergo some severe stress hence the neck problems every now and then this is the second neck injury in what three months or so. . .Well I got some joint support to see if that cant also aid in the recuperation (Shoulders, Left wrist, Left knee, right elbow and then the neck. .) which is suffering a bit lately. . .Surely a sign off going over to the heavier weight family now. . .So I definitely don't see this as a negative but rather a positive reflection moment. . .I have to get a bench. . .to stop these issues and possibly  some knee wraps as the knee caps are taking strain on my squats. . .but its all good going for gold all the way. . .

So here is some pics of the past weeks training. . .Next week will be a little touchy feely will have to see what the neck says (The niggles are minor) and lets see what the Joint supprot is made of (Put it through some good testing)

So not sure if you can see the cramping/Strained muscles from this pic but the traps went into spasm after the muscle underneath was very sore for two days here. . .

So my home remedy for now it offers about 30 minutes of release after training 9Its very hard to train around a stiff neck . . .

Shoulders is now looking like its growing faster than the biceps but in good time it will definitely start picking up again just have to get all the niggles out and then re-engage fully

Bi Tri Split not showing as planned but with some more cardio coming it will be there soon

Yes I know the abs took a few steps back with the new increased diet (more food) to bulk up a bit but it will get back to shape soon I am also going to increase the cardio quite a bit . . .

Vascular improvement still getting better and better but the increase in the diet has had a little effect but with more cardio it will definitely improve soon . .

So Ok Peeps may you all have a great training week ahead I am not quite sure how long the neck will keep me down but it cant be long I will decrease the bench press weight a bit and get back to it very soon and invest in a proper bench soon then the chest development will also improve . . .loads

but until next tome have a good and safe iron time ahead. . .