Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Time to re-engage the physical side of life

So as you can imagine with all that has been going on in my life I have neglected the physical side of my life quite a bit and I am now getting to a space where i can actually re-engage that part we have recently moved and unfortunately I don't have the pleasure of training in-doors any more. So well i now work out in the garden.

. .Yeah I have to carry all my weights outside from the store room train and then move them all back again. . .something I have come to accept. . .

Not perfect but getting there now there is the looming winter which makes warming up rather difficult I mean really. .At least its better than training in the rain we had some time back. But I am on course to change my health again I lost an enormous amount of weight yeah loads and loads of flab just from little stress and hard work. So people of the iron stick and weight chasers check out this space I am sure that I will be back to semi-good form soon and hope to share my gains, wins and losses with you again soon. .Enjoy

My current state of dissatisfaction below. . .

Ok So you see what I mean It is a definite sign of time to change. definitely. . .

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